Mount Mansfield Snow Stake

Latest depth

Last reported by NWS on:

Latest Snow Depth
Average on Date
Diff From Average
Last Snowier Winter
Snowier Winters
Less Snowy Winters

NWS Expected Snowfall Map

Latest NWS Forecast

For Mount Mansfield at 3,747 feet.

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Mount Mansfield Wood Mounted Map

Green Mountain Ski Maps

Ski-inspired wall maps of the Green Mountains. Designed for folks who care about snow as much as you do.

Made by me.

About the data

The snow depth has been measured at a stake at 3,900 feet on Mount Mansfield nearly continuously since 1954. The reading is a single data point that can be used to give an idea of how the season is progressing in the high country.

The latest data is published by the NWS Burlington office in the Daily Hydrometeorological Report. My website is updated within the hour of new data being published in the report.

In recent years there have been some gaps in NWS reporting that I have filled with skier reports.

Thanks to the many folks who have kept this record going over the years.

Known Bug

There is a known bug that affects the comparison depth and the summary metrics. Not every date in the dataset has a reported snow depth. In between two valid values, like 46 and 52, you might have multiple days without a value. At the moment, the comparison metrics do not count those days.

I'll fix it soon.


You can reach me at

Download Data

If you'd like a copy of this data, you can find it here.

This is my copy of the data and includes values reported to me over COVID and cleaning of erroneous values. It is updated within the hour of a new depth report by the NWS.